Kitartsu ◇ Somnius
Face your fears with the
Night Owl of Dreams...
profile art by @justazurei
ENVtuber | VArtist
"Your night owl of dreams has arrived! If you have a nightmare pestering you, let me know. I shall chase them away~"
Lore ◇ (under construction)
"I am no monster, please hear me out..."
Long ago, Humans and Dream Eaters coexisted. Like stray cats to a town infested by rats, Dream Eaters wandered the dreamscape in search of nightmares to rid of in exchange for a fragment of a dream.This was short-lived as the "heroes of a prophecy" spread the word of our "wicked intentions".A witch hunt commenced for my kind, who consume dreams merely to exist. As hunts resumed, Dream Eaters grew fearful, and nightmares continued to overpopulate, plaguing the lands in apathy and insomnia. Some Dream Eaters went into hiding, others fought back in an uproar, but very few continued their agreement to protect humans from nightmares...I was part of the few who continued to watch over the dreams of humans...if not for the ones who took me in, I don't know what would have become of me.Raised by mages, I kept my faith in humanity while also learning the path of magic. Once someone tipped my presence in their premises, I only became a burden to them. Still, they defended me to the end, sending me far away to a safer space with their newly discovered transportation spell...That's when I found myself in isolated woods, a worn out book missing many of its pages sprawled beside me. On its worn cover, an intricate title read "Tales of the Heroes Who Protect Dreams"I read through the remnants of the pages, repulsed at its contents. Details of fellow Dream Eaters disintegrating into dust, familiar descriptions of long-lost friends...yet they were perceived as demonic beasts. Were we just a story to entertain its readers?Or perhaps this was a historical document. I had more questions than answers.